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About Atala PRISM:





Atala PRISM is a decentralized identity solution developed by Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK) for the Cardano blockchain. It aims to provide a secure and interoperable identity verification platform that can be used across various industries, such as finance, healthcare, and government services.

This project enables individuals to create and manage their digital identity in a secure and private manner, using a combination of blockchain technology and zero-knowledge proof cryptography. It also allows organizations to verify and authenticate their customers' identities without having to store or manage sensitive personal data.

It is built on top of the Cardano blockchain and uses its native ADA cryptocurrency as a means of payment for identity verification services. It also leverages the blockchain's smart contract functionality to create and manage identity-related data in a decentralized and transparent manner. Atala PRISM is a significant step towards achieving a decentralized and secure digital identity infrastructure, which aligns with the broader vision of Cardano to create a decentralized and self-sustaining financial system.

Cardano has numerous applications in various industries. In agriculture, blockchain technology can be used to establish a reliable supply chain tracking system for farmers, transporters, and merchants. Solutions like Atala Trace and EMURGO's traceability solutions enhance transparency in the food and sustenance supply chain. Traditional systems for issuing credentials and verifying identities often rely on third-party agencies, resulting in manual, costly, and time-consuming processes. Atala PRISM's digital identity service, powered by the Cardano blockchain, enables individuals to have complete control over their credentials, allowing them to share and verify them easily anytime, anywhere.

In the finance industry, verifying identities before accepting new clients into financial institutions is crucial to minimize risky activities. However, the onboarding process can be slow and resource-intensive, involving third parties and varying administrative processes depending on the location. Atala PRISM addresses this challenge by utilizing reusable verified credentials and blockchain technology to streamline and expedite client onboarding.

Counterfeit and subpar medications pose significant risks to the healthcare industry, endangering public health and causing financial losses for legitimate pharmaceutical manufacturers. Online pharmacies, while popular, often lack adequate controls and regulations for medication manufacture and supply. Atala SCAN leverages the Cardano blockchain to authenticate and verify the source and supply chain of pharmaceuticals, ensuring patient safety and well-being.

The process of proving academic achievements is often complex due to centralized issuance of academic certifications. Reissuing diplomas, degrees, and other credentials can be expensive and time-consuming, especially if the issuing institution no longer exists. Atala PRISM provides an ID and credentials solution that securely stores academic certifications in an immutable and tamper-proof ecosystem. Students can maintain ownership of their achievements and easily share them, while institutions can instantly verify the credentials. This eliminates the need for third-party intermediaries, making identity and accomplishment verification more cost-efficient and expedient for students and job seekers.


*** As crypto undergoes widespread adoption, and Cardano's userbase increases Atala PRISM will be a key component to the success of the platform. This project is easily one of our favorites in the ecosystem!


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Atala PRISM: —

Public blockchain based digital IDs could be a game changer – ReddSparks  Crypto Blog

Pok₳d₳x 🇫🇷🇨🇦 on Twitter: "Atala Prism is the solution every country  needs. Implementing this type of product to a country is hard. You need to  educate people, deal with regulations and individuals,


Atala PRISM on the App Store