Lending Pond



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About Lending Pond:


Lending Pond


Monetise your NFT? Check out Lending Pond - CNFT World



Access Liquidity Through NFTs

Lending Pond is a peer-to-peer (P2P) lending marketplace on the Cardano blockchain that enables users to provide or receive ADA by using Cardano native tokens (CNFTs) as collateral. This innovative platform offers a unique opportunity for individuals to unlock liquidity by borrowing against their CNFTs, thereby making their assets work for them. The lending process is facilitated by smart contracts, which automate the lending and borrowing process, ensuring that transactions are transparent and secure.

One of the most attractive features of Lending Pond is its commitment to providing sufficient liquidity to the CNFT community. This is achieved by allowing lenders to lend to borrowers for a set yield determined by the borrower and lender. By offering a fair, transparent, and efficient marketplace, Lending Pond is rapidly becoming the go-to platform for borrowing and lending within the CNFT community.

Since its launch, Lending Pond has already facilitated over 400,000 ADA in loans in just two weeks, demonstrating the platform's reliability and popularity among users. This success can be attributed to Lending Pond's intuitive interface, its commitment to security and transparency, and its use of cutting-edge Cardano blockchain technology.

By offering a secure and efficient P2P lending marketplace, Lending Pond is unlocking the full potential of CNFTs, enabling users to leverage their assets and access liquidity in a way that was not previously possible. This is an exciting development for the Cardano ecosystem, and one that is sure to attract a growing number of users over time.



Lending Pond — A Decentralised loan platform using NFTs as collateral | by  Mike Borman | Blockchain Biz | Medium

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